
Deadmonton Weekly-ish Update 1

Deadmonton City

A cityscape of Deadmonton

What’s new on May 20th, 2017 for Deadmonton…

Some major behind the scenes changes were done to the blog.  While it won’t look all that different, the coding was reworked, now the main pages are up to 80% smaller (as in coding).  What this means is that individuals visiting the blog on their phones, should see faster load times.

Other major changes to the site.

Forum is gone.  Project Deadmonton is gone, as well as its associated Facebook page and other social media pages.  Trying to keep up with the forum and ProDead was taking too much time from the main project itself.  The forums have been saved, and may make a reappearance once the majority of the site is finished.  But for now, this wins me back some of the hard-to-find time, and that win means more focus on the and sites.

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